Brokkr is an investment protocol that provides sustainable and predictable returns. This is achieved through automated Portfolios, instruments that consist of several investment strategies that combine the usage of multiple dApps. It is a novel approach in DeFi but well-known in TradFi, where it works perfectly with billions invested through portfolios. Users don't need to set up complex strategies manually, they don't even need to know how they work. The complexity is abstracted and automated in Portfolios.
Brokkr protocol (or Brotocol) forms the backbone of Brokkr & follows the same mission as Brokkr: to grant access to DeFi to hundreds of millions of people. Brotocol consists of two parts:
The DAO - it's the headquarters of the product, with:
BRO and bBRO tokenStakingBondingFloor priceAirdropEtc.The portfolios and strategies - are the main product, with:
Strategies that automate DeFi investments in other protocolsPortfolios that aggregate multiple strategies into one diversified experience.Staking BRO tokens is the easiest way to invest into DeFi. As each BRO token is backed by the Withdrawable capital, and the treasury itself is invested into portfolios, the backing for each BRO token should rise overtime (disregarding the inflation) consequentially making staking of BRO token act as investing into DeFi. Staking BRO tokens earns the user rewards paid out in BRO and bBRO.
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